
Fixed a bug that pops up when you're a ghost.

Author Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-09-01 06:42:46
Author local date 2010-09-01 06:42:46 +0000
Committer Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-09-01 06:42:46
Committer local date 2010-09-01 06:42:46 +0000
Commit 004f9b78e892d5363463be84525058f50700a3cb
Tree d493ffd3b3494e2b0552943ce64041bc04bbf885
Parent 0163fa197f6531f4d0f427626f51aa5c46e04afd
Fixed a bug that pops up when you're a ghost.