
Allow armor and weapon upgrades to be applied to inactive followers

Author WildCard_25 <wildcard_25@hotmail.com>
Author date 2019-03-17 16:36:01
Author local date 2019-03-18 03:36:01 +1100
Committer WildCard_25 <wildcard_25@hotmail.com>
Committer date 2019-03-17 16:36:01
Committer local date 2019-03-18 03:36:01 +1100
Commit 0859780f335dc579b9c4cd70b15bac850da1b37a
Tree 4a87d438df7141ec56f4e267de14d7ed44cf4697
Parent 0a06a5cae061536030c57d921edc04aba80a9c8b
Allow armor and weapon upgrades to be applied to inactive followers