
- Alpha release for WoW 9.0 PTR and Beta environments.

Author HonorGoG <honorgog@titanpanel.org>
Author date 2020-08-29 06:39:49
Author local date 2020-08-28 23:39:49 -0700
Committer HonorGoG <honorgog@titanpanel.org>
Committer date 2020-11-05 06:08:16
Committer local date 2020-11-04 22:08:16 -0800
Commit 0c5c47be87e7bdc758ee914b75e7a125086f81aa
Tree bd2d4cafd1d9afd4934095b4e53f19a13accbbf2
Parent a12873a28389c55af946e9bc073d549d158e364d
- Alpha release for WoW 9.0 PTR and Beta environments.
- Updated Interface version to 90001 for 9.0.1 WoW release.
- Updated toc to for release.