
Added an "All Classes" checkbutton that should allow you to easily check/uncheck all of the classes

Author James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Author date 2008-02-05 14:57:45
Author local date 2008-02-05 14:57:45 +0000
Committer James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Committer date 2008-02-05 14:57:45
Committer local date 2008-02-05 14:57:45 +0000
Commit 0d12798a5178e86e5aa08cb3f138adc94b9622ac
Tree c1197081eddb8fe78d304bcd9753f199daf8d1e2
Parent 4913f2470387d0348a1b8fb31ead456a50176dd6
Added an "All Classes" checkbutton that should allow you to easily check/uncheck all of the classes