
Color the comment lines, and move some of them so they are not misleading

Author p3lim <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Author date 2011-01-14 20:32:57
Author local date 2011-01-14 21:32:57 +0100
Committer p3lim <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Committer date 2011-01-14 20:32:57
Committer local date 2011-01-14 21:32:57 +0100
Commit 0f61089a0a94b71c74b747dd175cf1a012e309ee
Tree b8dd4fa14054d879b4b3376ddb2a4eb10854a5aa
Parent f69e553730033fceb2f4f914d9d7c92092f169af
Color the comment lines, and move some of them so they are not misleading