
Bug fix... Maybe. When mousing away from a unit frame, and passing over a world unit, then mousing over other frames, sometimes StarTip.tooltipMain would stay shown. Ugly fix.

Author Scott Sibley <sisibley@gmail.com>
Author date 2011-07-26 03:05:44
Author local date 2011-07-25 22:05:44 -0500
Committer Scott Sibley <sisibley@gmail.com>
Committer date 2011-07-26 03:05:44
Committer local date 2011-07-25 22:05:44 -0500
Commit 10104c0e5f78a0a46bb29eb5379102fbaa329667
Tree 57b4125dd46c17e9865bde090f59a6747486ff71
Parent 9fe2ee2c308e7d820ccace12d2a8b8a25c289d12
Bug fix... Maybe. When mousing away from a unit frame, and passing over a world unit, then mousing over other frames, sometimes StarTip.tooltipMain would stay shown. Ugly fix.