
Version 6.0.2 amendments added. Primarily Stormshield and Warspear Spells

Author Tina Kirby <Tina Kirby>
Author date 2016-07-24 23:34:39
Author local date 2016-07-25 00:34:39 +0100
Committer Tina Kirby <Tina Kirby>
Committer date 2016-07-24 23:34:39
Committer local date 2016-07-25 00:34:39 +0100
Commit 13405bd2dee3d3d9172e84012f6ceccbd44af0bc
Tree 837a97a2d3a935824bb07c351cc1461c6f093b8e
Parent 69bd5af10aef41dae90729c8c5adf3db4decbead
Version 6.0.2 amendments added.  Primarily Stormshield and Warspear Spells