
Enhanced profile and mouse icons

Author Alar of Daggerspine <alar@aspide.it>
Author date 2016-04-29 10:53:17
Author local date 2016-04-29 12:53:17 +0200
Committer Alar of Daggerspine <alar@aspide.it>
Committer date 2016-04-29 10:53:17
Committer local date 2016-04-29 12:53:17 +0200
Commit 14dcc39bacf804cc85bd090e974612fc1a5da042
Tree c90cb96fbd77fba38beaa33e7cd88c4b919d20a1
Parent 57454b527200c8cfd233dbfb7e27e45dc975c473
Enhanced profile and mouse icons

Activates switch all to default and delete unused in profile management
Uses mouse icons instead of text in tooltips