
Shows a non-scrollable and too long for the screen list of stats when a weight is clicked on

Author Paul Spears <dpsthree@gmail.com>
Author date 2009-09-30 19:33:49
Author local date 2009-09-30 14:33:49 -0500
Committer Kevin Lyles <kevinlyles@gmail.com>
Committer date 2009-12-02 22:14:21
Committer local date 2009-12-02 16:14:21 -0600
Commit 1768b7727fecf082096b9ef6f067c340145e9cbf
Tree 46f42646ed2bfdeb8b4be0b7d56e2f8c4d0f1e1b
Parent 944b4da4cda03008c11bce2ca702c1e070fa33b6
Shows a non-scrollable and too long for the screen list of stats when a weight is clicked on