Fix for ticket 135.
Fix for ticket 135.
* Add additional druid "self" buffs that increase damage done.
* Add Mastery() and LastSpellMastery(id) script conditions
* Track the mastery information at the time a spell is cast.
* Add a SpellData(id key) script condition that takes two parameters, a
spell ID and a key, and returns the data associated with that key from
the SpellInfo() for that spell ID.
SpellInfo()/SpellData() can be used together to stash and retrieve extra
spell information that may be referenced within the script.
* Get the damage multiplier using OvaleAura:GetDamageMultiplier(spellId),
which factors in the multipliers for the presence of the buffs and
debuffs in the given spell's damageAura table (from OvaleData).
* Add new script statements SpellDamageBuff() and SpellDamageDebuff(),
which take a spellId followed by a list of aura1=x1, aura2=x2, etc.,
where auraN is the aura spell ID and xN is the damage multiplier if
auraN is present.
git-svn-id: svn:// d5049fe3-3747-40f7-a4b5-f36d6801af5f