
Made Tooltip_AddWorldDrop() get the recipe's quality color itself so the quality_color parameter can be dropped from both it and addon:DisplayAcquireData().

Author James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-06-02 10:16:43
Author local date 2010-06-02 06:16:43 -0400
Committer James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-06-02 10:16:43
Committer local date 2010-06-02 06:16:43 -0400
Commit 1c60bdb96a1ec69f252df3d315aee4b5cb595207
Tree caf82a67b47d4636a717a1a59e19e6da491a7691
Parent bf1f7212f043eb71f66da40c71e422e1dc4e6072
Made Tooltip_AddWorldDrop() get the recipe's quality color itself so the quality_color parameter can be dropped from both it and addon:DisplayAcquireData().