
Fix blizzard visual bug that overlaps the follower acquisition text and armor/weapon pLevels for uncollected followers

Author WildCard_25 <wildcard_25@hotmail.com>
Author date 2019-03-17 16:34:10
Author local date 2019-03-18 03:34:10 +1100
Committer WildCard_25 <wildcard_25@hotmail.com>
Committer date 2019-03-17 16:34:10
Committer local date 2019-03-18 03:34:10 +1100
Commit 1d2ab23d0d321f3f14f09fd0294583bf34e0dfce
Tree 88775f1f92edc0d019ddb9e47d89affd8b5d0e83
Parent 580358f7800c3bf3aa20d1a2993fc7e8e4859187
Fix blizzard visual bug that overlaps the follower acquisition text and armor/weapon pLevels for uncollected followers