
Add a Raid Group line for showing the unit's current party in a raid.

Author Scott Sibley <sisibley@gmail.com>
Author date 2011-08-05 05:18:03
Author local date 2011-08-05 00:18:03 -0500
Committer Scott Sibley <sisibley@gmail.com>
Committer date 2011-08-05 05:18:03
Committer local date 2011-08-05 00:18:03 -0500
Commit 309accae833640ce8717a8bd9922c9fcca91e1aa
Tree 9a135953ff69a2b3082c476cdff91c492a467e2e
Parent 0f4627c222a2e25918894a4b233cf4c07b677c56
Add a Raid Group line for showing the unit's current party in a raid.