
- Modified TitanMovable to remove API hooks that Blizzard screwed up.

Author HonorGoG <honorgog@titanpanel.org>
Author date 2024-09-27 06:32:28
Author local date 2024-09-26 23:32:28 -0700
Committer HonorGoG <honorgog@titanpanel.org>
Committer date 2024-09-27 06:32:28
Committer local date 2024-09-26 23:32:28 -0700
Commit 31a64dca7ecbc36281e9dde9e68347f742c311c6
Tree 308f3cdd92c411eb1df638b58c62285d5d083783
Parent b56859732123fea982cbe7cc25e7addd3b9b5b15
- Modified TitanMovable to remove API hooks that Blizzard screwed up.
- Update Classic Era TOC to 1.15.4
- Updated TOC to 8.1.4 for release.