
Changed the mouse-interactible area of the panel according to its expanded/collapsed state.

Author James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-06-16 07:58:02
Author local date 2010-06-16 03:58:02 -0400
Committer James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-06-16 07:58:02
Committer local date 2010-06-16 03:58:02 -0400
Commit 3745acdbe7bc8ffe563b9cc9374a4913e82d4f9a
Tree fecddc4827b4b1d224a4eee871a41349fae94f12
Parent c048ad49a4d113b9371efa94ee58c6e7f93f8eef
Changed the mouse-interactible area of the panel according to its expanded/collapsed state.