
* Renamed a number of frames to have a bit more meaning

Author James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Author date 2006-12-19 03:56:07
Author local date 2006-12-19 03:56:07 +0000
Committer James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Committer date 2006-12-19 03:56:07
Committer local date 2006-12-19 03:56:07 +0000
Commit 3ded3f99f830325680cbb49e77abe3869c118679
Tree 83223bfcf49817a5c088e20c9799bf368f921df1
Parent 20fa83ae6ba771fbe1ca91a69a6bab522300d694
* Renamed a number of frames to have a bit more meaning
* Began work on buff editing window, to define custom buff sets
* Resolved a number of issues with raid units not being cleared properly, which meant multiple units were updating to the same base unit
* Add/Editing headers now works properly, and can be done anytime you are not in combat
* Headers can now have their positions restored and saved when logging in
* Added a slash command to bring up the GUI.