
I banish you semi-colons deep within the bowels of hell! I kinda just made a colon joke.

Author John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Author date 2011-02-14 19:40:32
Author local date 2011-02-14 12:40:32 -0700
Committer John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Committer date 2011-02-14 19:40:32
Committer local date 2011-02-14 12:40:32 -0700
Commit 4134fd8ac22705942f0a60c1d8bd3d187f889093
Tree 89550f0fe11ddf01f40f68609e833cba836ddad7
Parent 09a3cff7a9f3c6093db019efef5879883de3e973
I banish you semi-colons deep within the bowels of hell! I kinda just made a colon joke.