
made LPT entirely optional (therefore, removed it from the package). Added some more refined security checks. Changed license from GPLv2 to BSD (readibility ftw).

Author ckaotik <ckaotik@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-05-22 21:05:11
Author local date 2010-05-22 23:05:11 +0200
Committer ckaotik <ckaotik@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-05-22 21:05:11
Committer local date 2010-05-22 23:05:11 +0200
Commit 42c5fe6ea4b1e21fc465eb79d06a580d45467a38
Tree 9ddda26837d170422a6fd85219a604c5a4762542
Parent 91e444cca786014ced599c2edc3e88d4a98e1198
made LPT entirely optional (therefore, removed it from the package). Added some more refined security checks. Changed license from GPLv2 to BSD (readibility ftw).