
Now with localization for the Enchants (I hope).

Author kibsgaard <kibsgaard@curseforge.com>
Author date 2014-08-18 18:05:12
Author local date 2014-08-18 20:05:12 +0200
Committer kibsgaard <kibsgaard@curseforge.com>
Committer date 2014-08-18 18:05:12
Committer local date 2014-08-18 20:05:12 +0200
Commit 43b35d83aa3bec5ae1fec9143f06e004c9251f84
Tree 207bbaa6a2fd79cf5c138f342ea32a49a920b416
Parent fc51138a2961bdac6cae9d68cfde3ef860bdabb8
Now with localization for the Enchants (I hope).
Please PM me on curse if it doesn't work in your language and state what "Enchanted:" is in your language (on the tooltips)

Signed-off-by: kibsgaard <kibsgaard@curseforge.com>