
Provide a way to move the raid icon around. This also updates for libqtip migration.

Author Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Author date 2011-07-04 02:41:11
Author local date 2011-07-04 02:41:11 +0000
Committer Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Committer date 2011-07-04 02:41:11
Committer local date 2011-07-04 02:41:11 +0000
Commit 4de81e0359cdc74221b9db2ac2a8e8578f92ae06
Tree 3287935cc8186228450cefc50ef55aef3f877886
Parent 8e05a32d2c7405edb1b7b0c195ecb1adb7faa202
Provide a way to move the raid icon around. This also updates for libqtip migration.