
Update Imperial Plate Recipes. The quest was removed and this is now learnable via trainer. Potentially need to add all the new trainers to the trainerdb.

Author John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Author date 2010-12-16 16:33:30
Author local date 2010-12-16 09:33:30 -0700
Committer John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Committer date 2010-12-16 16:33:30
Committer local date 2010-12-16 09:33:30 -0700
Commit 53129be4a6085d6fe4c12aeb9024a956010e3a61
Tree 0c0696d804746992d30560d73e2f8ea8d2342f45
Parent 802103cee40021fc1e33dcef7b295d7b97adff56
Update Imperial Plate Recipes.  The quest was removed and this is now learnable via trainer.  Potentially need to add all the new trainers to the trainerdb.