
Properly update the name in case there is no match

Author Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Author date 2013-05-17 00:26:10
Author local date 2013-05-17 02:26:10 +0200
Committer Adrian L Lange <adrianlund@gmail.com>
Committer date 2013-05-17 00:26:10
Committer local date 2013-05-17 02:26:10 +0200
Commit 5512a3404bcff3e0e95acac7ab340f0937df7bb0
Tree 64883674aa3041e7370c64cdb458813a827c5538
Parent 48e97dee10bfd3eabc4efd662ede0df8077fc2c2
Properly update the name in case there is no match