
Fix precedence of "not" to be above "and/or" but below comparisons.

Author Johnny C. Lam <jlam88@gmail.com>
Author date 2014-07-16 00:34:58
Author local date 2014-07-15 20:34:58 -0400
Committer Johnny C. Lam <jlam88@gmail.com>
Committer date 2014-07-17 05:17:26
Committer local date 2014-07-17 01:17:26 -0400
Commit 570614482f8741190a4100d9b3960818367d10f8
Tree 71ded371a460f968605b791c8f718df88a4eb4a7
Parent f55d11070bc7ec325d34e01887d3918f1576a5e0
Fix precedence of "not" to be above "and/or" but below comparisons.

This fixes ticket 384 by @Draugrs, where expressions like:

   not IcyVeinsCooldownRemains() > 0

was being parsed as:

   (not IcyVeinsCooldownRemains()) > 0

instead of:

   not (IcyVeinsCooldownRemains() > 0)