
Added backend option to hide modifier key hints in the tooltip

Author Kevin Lyles <kevinlyles@gmail.com>
Author date 2009-11-20 22:46:36
Author local date 2009-11-20 16:46:36 -0600
Committer Kevin Lyles <kevinlyles@gmail.com>
Committer date 2009-12-15 08:35:54
Committer local date 2009-12-15 02:35:54 -0600
Commit 58b2734536c28f153ac1c71da47b0a2d7ae9c5b6
Tree ec99937619ae47b30ddd6613194f8ab7593747ac
Parent 78da30b629cb907ed742b7d6564edbfc4b4a67e4
Added backend option to hide modifier key hints in the tooltip