
- Switched HP/MP localization values in CN and TW localization for TitanClassicRepair. (Ticket #34).

Author HonorGoG <honorgog@titanpanel.org>
Author date 2020-03-24 19:10:57
Author local date 2020-03-24 12:10:57 -0700
Committer HonorGoG <honorgog@titanpanel.org>
Committer date 2020-03-24 19:10:57
Committer local date 2020-03-24 12:10:57 -0700
Commit 644c3b93b8d57437dc504af01db209d4fb141fe6
Tree a343582fe7e7b4371cc1078e2bf8d41d8a02a27f
Parent 9850876806e88de95b3da270c4fdd46e57a59488
- Switched HP/MP localization values in CN and TW localization for TitanClassicRepair.  (Ticket #34).
- TitanClassicRepair: Added PVP Rank 3 and Combined values for 10% and 20% repair discounts.  (Ticket #32).
- Updated toc to for release.