
Fix checkbox and list item checks in parameter lists.

Author Johnny C. Lam <jlam88@gmail.com>
Author date 2014-07-14 01:21:41
Author local date 2014-07-13 21:21:41 -0400
Committer Johnny C. Lam <jlam88@gmail.com>
Committer date 2014-07-17 05:15:57
Committer local date 2014-07-17 01:15:57 -0400
Commit 694a0a1a2608bb9cbd9a722bedb41b69c5fcd2f7
Tree 6df57e8f0e1b94b13392e686a2619fa15f1e87d1
Parent 4c06c3a2ae1a953f9531d2208501157f002ed921
Fix checkbox and list item checks in parameter lists.

* A checkbox is only true if it is actually true, not just non-nil.
* If any check fails, then fail immediately.  Before this was allowing any
  checkbox condition to be true as long as one of them was true.