
fixed defect in logic, when was saved En constants, while item information returns localized (see prev. commit for detail). Everything works fine except:1. need to introduce relics handle, 2. may be there are any real way to load items if they aren't in a cache. See TryToLoadRewards() for details

Author Alex Shubert <spamme@not.ru>
Author date 2012-04-02 19:02:20
Author local date 2012-04-02 23:02:20 +0400
Committer Alex Shubert <spamme@not.ru>
Committer date 2012-04-02 19:02:20
Committer local date 2012-04-02 23:02:20 +0400
Commit 6abc792eb0b260d171f651fb2e17a15cea1cd97f
Tree fdcb868c9d0f9f1260d09b49cad01ebb2ec4039b
Parent 1b95e58ad96abd5c972fdd4aa7b490bec4a6ed0b
fixed defect in logic, when was saved En constants, while item information returns localized (see prev. commit for detail). Everything works fine except:1. need to introduce relics handle, 2. may be there are any real way to load items if they aren't in a cache. See TryToLoadRewards() for details