
Clock, Location, Performance, Repair, Volume, XP : Refactor code for IDE, mostly comments; some code. Changes for Titan color code

Author urnati <urnati101@gmail.com>
Author date 2024-07-07 20:04:48
Author local date 2024-07-07 16:04:48 -0400
Committer urnati <urnati101@gmail.com>
Committer date 2024-07-07 20:04:48
Committer local date 2024-07-07 16:04:48 -0400
Commit 6e582a02e31b0d51f5ab6bc130802e4861246554
Tree 9515dc5590514d85f7521c87547581d7e3d1a54a
Parent 7e73aa35523646b96f149895c9144f5beacaacb5
Clock, Location, Performance, Repair, Volume, XP : Refactor code for IDE, mostly comments; some code. Changes for Titan  color code
Titan : - AutoHide : Fix tooltip error; shows Enabled / Disabled
- Deprecated Titan Child template plugin code removed.
- Refactor Titan code to move color codes to Titan globals.
- Cleanup Titan tool tip code.
- Add debug to Titan startup code.