
Added keybindings to RUN, SAVE, and SHOW/HIDE the window

Author James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Author date 2008-11-11 16:56:43
Author local date 2008-11-11 16:56:43 +0000
Committer James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Committer date 2008-11-11 16:56:43
Committer local date 2008-11-11 16:56:43 +0000
Commit 6f1ba3eaf08f1635124e210dc779df190584709b
Tree b5f932a68e1b30e69436a3ff5467aee9d670eb94
Parent b0e2c0b60533ce1fdffe8d2c031c7eb74bdbac71
Added keybindings to RUN, SAVE, and SHOW/HIDE the window