
Butcher the strsplit code to work with first aid, and to pass a third argument if that's what we get.

Author John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Author date 2011-01-25 16:15:34
Author local date 2011-01-25 09:15:34 -0700
Committer John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Committer date 2011-01-25 16:15:34
Committer local date 2011-01-25 09:15:34 -0700
Commit 72f26892d0b0d943292d4574222ebdceabfdd914
Tree cb5a273089fe640c3e25251b5e7444916434c3a1
Parent 7076df2b70ff42a00e88882c1f884293fa2dcbbc
Butcher the strsplit code to work with first aid, and to pass a third argument if that's what we get.