
-trying to enhance and simplify the process... using new technique to calculate progress bar length. Causes complications based on duration/percentage and how much time is left on the debuff

Author Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Author date 2016-07-30 19:20:05
Author local date 2016-07-30 15:20:05 -0400
Committer Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Committer date 2016-07-30 19:20:05
Committer local date 2016-07-30 15:20:05 -0400
Commit 73c8140e12f34e063706ce0525439555aecfa4f2
Tree 491908984efc5563fc3dface987478aff1e4b22d
Parent 364102860f4f97173d3b7f3762ba36c19eddb8fb
-trying to enhance and simplify the process... using new technique to calculate progress bar length.  Causes complications based on duration/percentage and how much time is left on the debuff