
* Added some remaining bits for the config tab, just have to make it work

Author James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Author date 2008-01-25 11:29:45
Author local date 2008-01-25 11:29:45 +0000
Committer James Whitehead II <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Committer date 2008-01-25 11:29:45
Committer local date 2008-01-25 11:29:45 +0000
Commit 7d6617587dfa0ad2123c6971c7ebbd48f13059e6
Tree 1f8b75d42e29c606c7433d712c3d08a0d9e8662d
Parent 8aac2be136c5973b3c40969a5fc0eb1d45f0394d
* Added some remaining bits for the config tab, just have to make it work
* Added the code to hide the party background along with the party frames