
Update some JC recipes with proper rarities and created items and some trainer data for them.

Author John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Author date 2011-01-11 19:42:14
Author local date 2011-01-11 12:42:14 -0700
Committer John Pasula <ackis@shaw.ca>
Committer date 2011-01-11 19:42:14
Committer local date 2011-01-11 12:42:14 -0700
Commit 81d47a8bc4e7833cbb17d18f0cd5109058baf02d
Tree cc9253a8dbf42c543f96930d23724622352318d3
Parent a15481ba372554eb1183e482acb4dfe5c9302855
Update some JC recipes with proper rarities and created items and some trainer data for them.