
Allow the user to specify tooltip padding for individual sides. Also, allow users to specify negative paddings.

Author Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-09-16 03:17:20
Author local date 2010-09-16 03:17:20 +0000
Committer Scott Sibley <ssibley@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-09-16 03:17:20
Committer local date 2010-09-16 03:17:20 +0000
Commit 8640b5db741b7202552f0a18f8a934c7bf3dcc43
Tree 5e4c386c72d8e51f222f64e696afe898e79405e8
Parent 5a3433d1081b8f4587680b8f309201a997c9b378
Allow the user to specify tooltip padding for individual sides. Also, allow users to specify negative paddings.