
- Flattened enUS localization to remove comments and make all entries a single line.

Author HonorGoG <honorgog@titanpanel.org>
Author date 2024-01-15 05:28:33
Author local date 2024-01-14 21:28:33 -0800
Committer HonorGoG <honorgog@titanpanel.org>
Committer date 2024-01-15 05:28:33
Committer local date 2024-01-14 21:28:33 -0800
Commit 8a4ff7d31c5a544e37dc2b4c9be1d44aff152b7d
Tree 25c530af25e3c90a67396a31276a4fe17d099820
Parent bb7cd02307a60b6cb90da03c50dff61bcbd0c041
- Flattened enUS localization to remove comments and make all entries a single line.