
PlayerManager.Invite will now fail if trying to invite when in LFG.

Author F16Gaming <adam.hellberg95@gmail.com>
Author date 2012-08-29 17:35:04
Author local date 2012-08-29 19:35:04 +0200
Committer F16Gaming <adam.hellberg95@gmail.com>
Committer date 2012-08-29 17:35:04
Committer local date 2012-08-29 19:35:04 +0200
Commit 92cdbc5b347e4ef21be731f8eda39823aba8a257
Tree 96ed3ed4ad73d9749f6d034227afdd90c9c3b906
Parent 220f0f4fd6febce8ae0068c5daf128cab5eafe45
PlayerManager.Invite will now fail if trying to invite when in LFG.