
Fixed issues with chat bubble tail

Author Christopher Tse <chrisstse@hotmail.com>
Author date 2020-04-17 08:27:33
Author local date 2020-04-17 18:27:33 +1000
Committer Christopher Tse <chrisstse@hotmail.com>
Committer date 2020-04-17 08:27:33
Committer local date 2020-04-17 18:27:33 +1000
Commit 955b90b80a9b9b061e5ab509f288b250ff7d579e
Tree 148fd8403c890bfdcf59c6913440e414b94ff74d
Parent 5f299f607827c1e7325516ccc0b62b8d98ccdc3c
Fixed issues with chat bubble tail

* Fixed issue where tail moved down when the chat bubble extended
* Fixed issue where the tail was left hanging in midair when the chat
bubble retracted both width-wise and height-wise