
Changed the layout of the top widgets and completely changed the look of the expand-All button.

Author James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-04-19 12:00:28
Author local date 2010-04-19 08:00:28 -0400
Committer James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-04-19 12:00:28
Committer local date 2010-04-19 08:00:28 -0400
Commit a10d732f91797c15d8d7da3e2338778c917b94f6
Tree 46afe33ba5be6d55ac992331caf6876c5893effe
Parent 52c1896cfd3427243b6106b9aaf9243a8aa5a8c2
Changed the layout of the top widgets and completely changed the look of the expand-All button.