
- Adjust where the Buff frame starts; and make it work when the user removes top bars or adds a 'new' top bar.

Author urnati <urnati@gmail.com>
Author date 2020-11-04 16:43:23
Author local date 2020-11-04 11:43:23 -0500
Committer urnati <urnati@gmail.com>
Committer date 2020-11-04 16:43:23
Committer local date 2020-11-04 11:43:23 -0500
Commit a12873a28389c55af946e9bc073d549d158e364d
Tree 90cde3ebf495c1f1391cf4ef84abe1dc077c6ca5
Parent 2cd9efe7548522c9fc748d820b1891d1d0b55de1
- Adjust where the Buff frame starts; and make it work when the user removes top bars or adds a 'new' top bar.