
Updated version to rc2.

Author pschifferer <dm@critical-failure.org>
Author date 2009-10-18 21:39:06
Author local date 2009-10-18 21:39:06 +0000
Committer pschifferer <dm@critical-failure.org>
Committer date 2009-10-18 21:39:06
Committer local date 2009-10-18 21:39:06 +0000
Commit ada3466c047280808ff692345ea98e361234946b
Tree dd53f2968bfc725f163eca166acb0f2b83fb8dbb
Parent bb77d6b0a76325a89cc2771329df208c96f4131e
Updated version to rc2.
Added a check when learning reagents to report when reagent names/icons/links aren't returned properly.
Added some sanity checks to the intermediate and reagant add functions.