
Don't store the spell link on the recipe - request it from the client when it's required.

Author James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-04-07 18:18:29
Author local date 2010-04-07 14:18:29 -0400
Committer James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-04-07 18:18:29
Committer local date 2010-04-07 14:18:29 -0400
Commit ae29cffda6054a08cf032f89c517d9f1f2700cb5
Tree a72a9ac4382d7529ba0783240039027806e06ee9
Parent 6599eda2f7e5bb31acf78f06ecde58ff880383f3
Don't store the spell link on the recipe - request it from the client when it's required.