
In addon:Scan() - Check for current_prof being "UNKNOWN" instead of checking the scan_button's parent to determine if a tradeskill frame is open.

Author James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Author date 2010-06-03 11:51:25
Author local date 2010-06-03 07:51:25 -0400
Committer James D. Callahan III <darkenelf@gmail.com>
Committer date 2010-06-03 11:51:25
Committer local date 2010-06-03 07:51:25 -0400
Commit b6d3941f0f8c41997634ae58bb7a8ca72a7d9221
Tree a8597128dc880f42deaed6ee0a6f662e8b87e432
Parent be1f4d29bd40419f5ac0b644f47330605c09bdcc
In addon:Scan() - Check for current_prof being "UNKNOWN" instead of checking the scan_button's parent to determine if a tradeskill frame is open.