
Quite a few vehicles have powers we don't have a color for. Default to "MANA"

Author Adrian L Lange <mail@p3lim.net>
Author date 2014-10-27 13:55:19
Author local date 2014-10-27 14:55:19 +0100
Committer Adrian L Lange <mail@p3lim.net>
Committer date 2014-10-27 13:55:19
Committer local date 2014-10-27 14:55:19 +0100
Commit b94298897b0f5af2cac06a9c9701649378fdc661
Tree d7def5c93979165c4a6f1321c337a1cea73d9f21
Parent 03ffda8b5ab73776d7fe7328e8e368954a2e9e72
Quite a few vehicles have powers we don't have a color for. Default to "MANA"