
Fixes in elemental rotation, elemental and restoration config panels are fixed.

Author Taracque <taracque@taracque.hu>
Author date 2013-01-04 17:09:43
Author local date 2013-01-04 18:09:43 +0100
Committer Taracque <taracque@taracque.hu>
Committer date 2013-01-04 17:09:43
Committer local date 2013-01-04 18:09:43 +0100
Commit c0f9cdc4b5c22f8f1e9674e260169a2bbd14ac53
Tree abae6f4da08687904f6f9a02f142c365a38f6d91
Parent a649de9ad1b82b518015b925ada69fe0215bc75d
Fixes in elemental rotation, elemental and restoration config panels are fixed.