
Feature: Adds reward icons to shipyard missions

Author Alar of Runetotem <alar@aspide.it>
Author date 2017-01-05 23:03:10
Author local date 2017-01-06 00:03:10 +0100
Committer Alar of Runetotem <alar@aspide.it>
Committer date 2017-01-05 23:03:10
Committer local date 2017-01-06 00:03:10 +0100
Commit c3568e0f347dbbe90a228d7dba2da9d24195a29a
Tree a20cd05cf5fb6c582c3da8b415aa1b295e74190f
Parent 99845c90e118e529c438951e522653831316cc6a
Feature: Adds reward icons to shipyard missions
Feature: Mission control available also for shipyard