
Auto-blacklist buttons without RegisterForClicks

Author Jim Whitehead <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Author date 2016-07-20 05:43:00
Author local date 2016-07-20 07:43:00 +0200
Committer Jim Whitehead <jnwhiteh@gmail.com>
Committer date 2016-07-20 05:43:00
Committer local date 2016-07-20 07:43:00 +0200
Commit c37a245db40855b55b02fcf339fdea9c97e6be19
Tree e1c201612baca04f88851acaeb545a340b15b1f8
Parent adc80f270237d7f4ac575793b49e60cb59a1720f
Auto-blacklist buttons without RegisterForClicks

The new nameplates inherit from the compact raid frame templates, but
don't have all of the methods needed to work with click-casting, so for
now we'll auto-blacklist all of those frames.