
Check for the presence of script controls in a more accurate way.

Author Johnny C. Lam <jlam88@gmail.com>
Author date 2014-07-14 19:31:37
Author local date 2014-07-14 15:31:37 -0400
Committer Johnny C. Lam <jlam88@gmail.com>
Committer date 2014-07-17 05:16:43
Committer local date 2014-07-17 01:16:43 -0400
Commit c648d656e296de4ffc5eb948e8f8f4903498a7ca
Tree 52da70d73c224126295bac21b6ef99a266d41f7d
Parent 3e96e6fe33cd3c5ec141492a5299a2f9b3135908
Check for the presence of script controls in a more accurate way.

The actual control widgets are stored in Ovale.checkBoxWidget and
Ovale.listWidget, so see if those tables are empty or not.