
- Fixed deprecated functions no longer used in 5.0.4

Author Lanerra <tarkonian@hotmail.com>
Author date 2012-09-20 05:36:18
Author local date 2012-09-19 22:36:18 -0700
Committer Lanerra <tarkonian@hotmail.com>
Committer date 2012-09-20 05:36:18
Committer local date 2012-09-19 22:36:18 -0700
Commit c7c913783349e4dbf918d733bcfedaf7d18d9d1a
Tree dc45a0d480ca58db2819c69823532e9386d882d6
Parent 9666ea8774f3c9e2f8d7b69792fcdfbfaec1dbf9
- Fixed deprecated functions no longer used in 5.0.4
- Removed UI option dimming for Unit Frames until I have time to work out the problem
- Version 1.3
- Other than this, it should function per normal. Let me know of any hiccups