
Major overhaul for patch 8.0 BFA

Author Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Author date 2018-07-24 20:33:55
Author local date 2018-07-24 16:33:55 -0400
Committer Xruptor <xruptor@manaflux.com>
Committer date 2018-07-24 20:33:55
Committer local date 2018-07-24 16:33:55 -0400
Commit d1527486c9e0cf85ccb984e9088124d5abab5e19
Tree 359378bc00c74391e7b7e99c9aa5b1f36d263090
Parent dd3fbabedca37916b9eeb4173ee042a060f04bb9
Major overhaul for patch 8.0 BFA
Have fixed all the error related to the LagBar frames.