
- Titan: Reverted UI scaling below .64 - was causing problems...

Author urnati <urnati101@gmail.com>
Author date 2023-01-06 20:00:38
Author local date 2023-01-06 15:00:38 -0500
Committer urnati <urnati101@gmail.com>
Committer date 2023-01-06 20:00:38
Committer local date 2023-01-06 15:00:38 -0500
Commit dc3f373a39026272711b9fe89db5c050a51df360
Tree fd781e7fb91d26f7e95eb7c43de17cd065ba5368
Parent 8da5a8ef59403a4ecd78c2da9438318cf0d0a36f
- Titan: Reverted UI scaling below .64 - was causing problems...
- TitanRepair: Added feature to auto sell grays or sell on left click when at vendor
- TitanBag: Rewritten; somewhere in 10.xx I began seeing 20/20 (backpack only). Determined that bag names are not always available at PEW (first or reload) so used the # of slots to determine. Bags may still be unknow but counts will be right. Should only impact those using tooltips right away.
- Debug - changed default debug color to a blue to make it distinct